Thursday, May 4, 2017

Economics Article Q4W8

How the Republican bill would change Obamacare

 House Republicans finally have the votes to try to repeal and replace Obamacare. Lawmakers are scheduled to vote Thursday after some last-minute changes to the legislation convinced enough conservatives and moderates to support it. the American Health Care Act goes a long way to fulfilling the Republicans' seven-year pledge to repeal former President Obama's landmark health reform law. And it would erase the coverage gains of the last few years and leave 24 million more people uninsured by 2026 than under Obamacare, according to a Congressional Budget Office analysis of an earlier version of the bill. The GOP's plan would eliminate the Obamacare subsidies, which are refundable tax credits based on a person's income and cost of coverage in their area. I think all these changes that will be made will affect many Obamacare patients to health issues based on the different benefits Obamacare has.

Economics Article Q4W7

How U.S. health care stacks up against global systems

Obamacare may be on the way out and replaced by a new plan, Trump says. The House of Representatives is expected to vote Thursday on a bill aimed at repealing the Affordable Care Act. Many people outside the United States find bewildering. The U.K.'s public health system is called the NHS. It's financed through tax and compulsory national insurance contributions, but faces serious financial problems. The U.K's health care system is free but short of cash. Germany has a multi-layered system financed by a system of mutual insurance funds.Germany has lots of choice and lots of efficiency. The generous French health system has been ranked highly by the WHO and Euro Health Consumer Index. France is generous but short on money. Canada has a government-run national health insurance, funded by tax receipts. It is organized on a regional basis, with each province adopting slightly different rules. Canada's health care is good, but you may have to wait on service. In the U.S we have major political issues. I think all countries should help each other out in a way and save human lives.

Monday, April 24, 2017

Economics Article Q4W6

T.I. speaks out on police brutality

Last month, CNN interviewed T.I, where the Grammy-winning rapper and actor premiered his latest passion project, "Us or Else" A short film that examines the relationship between police and the black community. President Donald Trump slammed the Black Lives Matter movement as a candidate, lamented a "war on police" and accused the group of helping to instigate police shootings through their protests and rallies against police brutality. T.I., who participated in Black Lives Matter protests, has been one of Trump's most outspoken critics in hip-hop, most recently slamming the President in a series of colorful insults on Instagram following Trump's feud with rapper Snoop Dogg. The rapper also wrote a series of open letters in December to Obama and to Trump in January, and a letter advocating for civil engagement addressed to Americans. I think that Donald Trump needs to give more attention on black lives being killed by Police because they are just as human as police are too.

Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Economics Article Q4W5

Many Europeans want to kill the euro

The 34-year-old economist, Sergi Cutillas, wants Spain to abandon the euro. He's far from alone: 25% of the people who use the common currency want to ditch it, according to the latest European Union poll. The threat to the euro is most acute in France, where people will vote Sunday in the first round of a presidential election that features Marine Le Pen. The far right politician, who wants to take France out of the currency union, is expected to advance to a runoff vote against one other candidate on May 7. Some Europeans want to kill the euro because "Europe is not a nation." Italy's president, Alberto Bagni, the case against the currency boils down to this: European countries are not the same, and so they shouldn't use the same currency. Optical illusion, The interest rates that Spain, Greece and Italy needed to pay creditors plummeted after they joined the euro, putting them on a par with Germany. I think, Europeans should not kill the euro if they can come to an agreement because if that happens in years the euro will not exist.

Economics Article Q4W4

Why undocumented immigrants pay taxes

Every tax season year, undocumented immigrants file their taxes with the federal government, getting away with it easily. Out of the nearly 11.1 million undocumented immigrants estimated to be living in the U.S., Pew Reasearch projected that there were about 8 million in the workforce in 2014. Nearly half, or 3.4 million, of those workers paid Social Security taxes, according to 2014 estimates from the Social Security administration. And while the agency doesn't have a figure for how much this group paid in taxes that year, it said that unauthorized immigrant workers and their employers contributed $13 billion in payroll taxes in 2010, its most current estimate.A policy attorney at the Immigration Resource Center, Jose Salgado, said that that millions of undocumented immigrants file their taxes because immigrants are trying to abide by the law and are fulfilling their civic and financial responsibilities. I honestly think that undocumented immigrants that have payed their taxes every year, but have been deported should get all their tax money back.

Thursday, April 6, 2017

End of The Street Lawyer Blog

My prediction to Michael’s future is continuing to be the voice for the homeless who have been evicted. When Mister came into Drake & Sweeney Law Firm and held eight lawyers hostage, Michael saw a sniper shoot Mister. Michael noticed something was wrong; he noticed that all Mister wanted to do was warn them about their lifestyle being homeless by breaking the law. Lawyers seem to pay no attention to what homeless people were going through. This traumatic event, lead Michael to be more involved in helping the homeless. He changed his job from evicting people, to preventing them from being evicted. I think he will stay at the 14th Street Clinic helping the poor from being evicted from their homes. Everything he witnessed with Mister gave Michael a clue that he at least needs one out of eight lawyers needs to give attention to the homeless. If Michael continues to put effort into preventing evictions and the homeless, the clinic will change in very good ways. He will be known as the voice for the homeless and a huge support for them, to the point he could one day change the people from the environment and increase awareness about homelessness. Although, his relationship status with Claire was not working out because he dedicated his time more on his job, they got divorced and now he is starting a new life. I think he will begin a relationship will Megan because they have similar passions and seem to work things out together. Along with starting a new life, a drug addicted woman, Ruby, enters the Clinic seeking for help to gain her son’s custody due to her addiction of drugs. Megan and Michael start to help Ruby get sober. I think they will be successful in helping Ruby because she really loves her son and she is really motivated to change. As long as Ruby is still willing to put forth effort there will be a good chance for her to be a success.
The Cleveland Street Chronicle and the 14th Street Clinic are similar in one way because they work with people who have the same problems such as; drug addiction, alcohol addiction, and homelessness. Also, homeless people came to both places and were able to tell their stories. At the 14th Street Clinic people came to talk to Michael about their problems and what they needed help with. In the Cleveland Street Chronicle people were able to put their stories on paper. On the other hand, these places help in different ways because at the 14th Street Clinic they help the homeless by giving them jobs to sell papers, and they can build their customer service skills. This is different than the work they do at 14th Street Clinic. Housing First and the 14th Street Clinic are also working with the same type of people. At both places people are provided a home; Ruby was given a hotel room for free by the 14th Street Clinic and the homeless individuals were given a free apartment by Housing First. One difference is that at the 14th Street Clinic they were primarily giving legal help and at Housing First they were giving free services, laundry facilities, a computer lab, and a 24-hour staffed desk. Another difference is, Ruby was given a hotel room for a while and Housing First gave homeless people permanent apartments for free.

Tuesday, April 4, 2017

Economics Article Q4W3

Venezuela brain drain: I miss mom, but don't want to go back

 Alejandro Nava is leaving his home in Venezuela, and he doesn't plan on coming back. Alejandro gave himself an idea of moving on because he lost hope in his country which is out of control due to its economic crisis. Their economic crisis has turned into serious problems from violent crime to health care. In addition to, Alejandro received an immigrant US visa and plans to stay. His plans are to work as a paralegal while he applies at Ivy League law school. Nearly 2 million Venezuelans have left their country since 1999 when a populist government took over. I think that what the Venezuelen citizens are going through should be justified and get help from the US.